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Golf Tips for Beginners

Over the last few decades there has been a definitive upswing in the popularity of golf. A game that isn’t just for the young, you can take up golfing at any phase of life and pretty much all you need to get started are a few tips on your swing and the rules of the game such as the handicap differential.


The handicap differential is the technical term for the actual difference between your score and the course and slope rating. The resulting number is your handicap. If you feel the need to get really technical with your golf game, then the equation for the handicap index is as follows: (Your Score-Course Rating) x113 divided by the Slopes Rating. Other than the scoring system, drills are a must for any serious aspiring golfer.

Easy Does It

One simple drill that is great for beginners may sound as though it has nothing to do with the game itself; however it is vitally important for a good game. Breathing exercises can really smooth out the edges when you are stepping up for that critical swing. Many professionals will tell you that maintaining your breathing is critical; if you can match your breathing to your golf swing then you can smooth out a lot of the rough edges.

Square to the Target

Practicing your stance is a perfect drill for a beginning golfer; you will likely hear “square to the target” repeatedly as you learn the game. Making sure that your shoulders point at your goal, and your feet are lined up properly can help you get the ball exactly where you want it to be.


Watch the Ball

Keeping your eye on the ball has been said so often that people often forget that there is actually a viable reason for it. The ball isn’t going to do any tricks that are not why you are watching it. You watch the ball because if you are looking at the ball that means that your head is down, with your head down your shoulders can’t come up and you can keep them in the proper formation for a great golf swing. Lifting your head prematurely to see the ball fly down the fairway can mean missing the ball completely. Practicing resisting the temptation to lift your head is a great help in any golfer's game as well as helping with hand eye coordination.


Golf is a great way to improve your health, relieve stress and just have a good time in general. Learning the game may take time, but it is a skill worth cultivating and the patience and hand-eye coordination that is so invaluable in golf will translate into other aspects of your life. If you want to read more about “how to swing a golf club correctly” and “how to properly swing a golf club” please visit our site:

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